Dana* is a mum with one 10-year-old boy. Dana was married but her husband was significantly abusive to which her son often witnessed. There are emotional repercussions for both Dana and her son, but she is quietly, and with great courage, navigating to find a resolution for them both.
She managed to get herself and her son out of that situation and into a private rental. Unfortunately they were asked to move on by the landlord as the house was being sold. She was unable to find another rental that she could afford, despite working full time. She had a small wage and some debt that made it impossible.
When she came to Monte, she and her son has been sleeping on different families and friends couches. This was particularly stressful on both of them. After staying in Monte Cecilia emergency housing she was offered a house.
Dana is working hard to establish a routine for her and her son. She was very emotional a couple of weeks ago when she was informed by the school that her son was doing very well with his school work and his rugby team had got into the champions-of-champions competition. He also plays soccer.
Dana continues to work hard in catering. She has a passion for this area and has dreams and aspirations but struggles to make head way with her debt. She is slowly chipping away at it but is so very grateful for, and proactive, with the support she gets from Monte.
*Not her real name