Mere* was in a volatile relationship with her partner, and she kept getting kicked out of the house by him. She decided to leave the relationship in early January this year due to being manipulated and criticised by him a lot.
Mere’s children had Oranga Tamaki involvement in their lives due to the continuous relationship breakdown between the couple. Mere moved out with her new born baby and they became very transient moving between whanau members.
She left her four year old son and twins with her ex-partner who was given primary carer responsibilities because he had a stable home. She tried to go to Work and Income for emergency accommodation because it was not safe for her and baby to stay in the house with the sister because she was having issues with her neighbours.
Mere was advised by WINZ to find private rental. Mere looked for private rental but would get declined several times due to not being able to afford it, or being discriminated against for being on a sole parent benefit.
Mere continued to move between whanau, where they were continuously finding themselves in a temporary and unstable living space. Mere eventually applied for transitional housing with Monte Cecilia. She moved into Monte transitional housing where she engaged proactively with the whanau worker and other wrap around services including Breaking Ground, an Oranga Tamariki intervention service.
She was motivated and worked toward her goals because she was determined to get an affordable and stable home for all of her kids. She was able to have shared custody with her partner that really lifted her Wairau/spirit and wellbeing. This gave her hope even before she had been offered a long term warm, secure affordable home. Mere was offered and accepted Monte Cecilia Social Housing where she is currently living with her kids and continues to be supported by Monte in our outreach services.
Mere still engages with her social worker from Breaking Ground and attends supporting wrap around services that continue to strengthen this whanau.