Back to school from a home they call their own
Leah walked through the Monte Cecilia West office doors in November 2018 seeking help for her and her family. Her family is made up of herself, her husband and their four beautiful children all under the age of 12.
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Family were in significant debt and struggling
Terri* came to Monte Cecilia, through a client who was living in a Monte Cecilia Community social house. They were living in a two bedroom house and there were four adults and four children. During the time working with Monte Cecilia they were asked to leave this house as it was overcrowded and WINZ placed them in a Motel.
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All four children had pneumonia
Maia and her four children had been residing at The Women’s Refuge for two months and were referred to Monte Cecilia by Work and Income. Prior to this, the family lived in WINZ emergency housing in Northland for two years.
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Now one of the top sales reps for her company
“Anne” came to Monte as a referral from another housing provider. Anne is a sole parent to two small children and we moved them into our emergency housing in South Auckland.
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Mum with four year and two year-old living in a garage
Referral from the Turuki Healthcare in Mangere. A single mother with two children, a four-year-old boy and two-year-old girl all living in the garage which was not an appropriate place to stay for this family and their children.
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Laptops from Germany
Sally and her family had a long history of waiting to get into social housing. Initially they were staying in a private rental, both Sally and her husband were working, but with rent hikes and change in family circumstances they could not afford to pay the rent.
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Staff farewell
Cecilia, with her two children, came to Monte Cecilia over 28 years ago. New to Auckland, she was seeking emergency housing and a hand up to establish her little family in Auckland.
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Dana's story
Dana* is a mum with one 10-year-old boy. Dana was married but her husband was significantly abusive to which her son often witnessed. There are emotional repercussions for both Dana and her son, but she is quietly, and with great courage, navigating to find a resolution for them both.
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Mandy's story
Mandy, a mum with four children, came into Monte emergency housing in April 2018. She had been living with her sister, brother-in-law and their four children, in a three-bedroom house in Mangere since October 2017. Overcrowding was an issue. The reason Mandy found herself in this position was due to the breakup of her marriage.
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Monte’s new support programme for mums leaving prison
For mothers leaving prison, finding a place to live with their children has been a significant challenge. But a new collaboration with Corrections, Probation and partnership with Family Works, Presbyterian Northern means Monte is providing safe, warm homes for mothers to begin rebuilding their lives.
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